Oberto Sticks Package Re-Design
Objective: To create a package design different from their previous Oberto Sticks package design. This package design had to keep in mind the target market of the company. They are trying to stand out from the shelves while tarketing male and female who are active.

Package Design 1
This design shows a active forest in the background with a vertical window that shows the Beef Jerky Sticks. There are active silhouettes of people encorperated within the packaging.

Package Design 2
This design is more similar to their preveious designs. I kept their large O logo centered and a horizontal window showing the beef jerkry.
Dairy Pure Mix-Ins Package and Logo Design
Objective: To create a package design and logo design for Dairy Pure’s new product, Mix-Ins, Cottage Cheese. The goal of the package design was to put emphasise on the healthy aspects of the product.